
The NFB Photo Library comprises approximately 500,000 items, including examples of almost every photographic process ranging from the earliest glass negatives to contemporary digital images.

The collection takes us behind the scenes of the more than 17,000 films produced by the NFB since its beginning in 1939. It offers an impeccably captured view of Indigenous, Canadian and World cultures through the decades.

Recording the history of our wonderful institution, these images show the artisans and builders of the NFB, including many women and BIPOC filmmakers, as they shaped and pushed further the art forms of documentary and animation.

Temporary order process

We are working to improve the NFB's stock footage platform, and the collection of photos will be available online soon. In the meantime, to purchase a photo and receive personalized service, please contact us with the following information:

Contact us


Alexandra Hubert

Sales agent, Stock Footage and Photo Library
514 569-0397
Follow me on Linkedin

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Eastern Time (Except major holidays)

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Thank you for your continued support of the National Film Board of Canada!