
Use our calculator to estimate the per-second price of the desired licence rights.

Check pricing

(Rates for other collections on demand)

Research Fee: $75/hr

HD Transfer Fee: on demand

Screening TCBI DVD: 1.25$/min ($75 minimum) 2K and 4K

Transfer Fee: on demand

Screening TCBI digital H.264: 1.25$/min ($100 minimum)

Markets Canada ($/sec) - 5 years Canada ($/sec) - Perpetuity 1 Country ($/sec) - 5 years 1 Country ($/sec) - Perpetuity World ($/sec) - 5 years World ($/sec) - Perpetuity
Education (Govt, museum, schools, festivals) 10 15 15 20 20 27
Education & Internet (streaming - On organisation website only) 15 18 18 25 25 33
None None None None None None None

Invoicing and payment

Orders must be confirmed with a purchase order.

The client is required to sign a licence before the material is sent.

Delivery costs and customs duties are to be paid by the client.

All costs must be paid in advance by certified cheque, American Express, Visa or MasterCard.

The NFB reserves the right to refuse or limit use of the footage.

All rates subject to change without notice