STK-ID 10230

[Title] HALS of angler standing on rock, fishing. Two men fishing in outboard canoe. Group of men discussing equipment. CU of various artificial lures. MS of man casting from canoe. Two fishermen rowing to shore, displaying catch of black bass. MS, CUs of man casting, handling his reel, pulling in fish, showing proper method of holding black bass and extracting hook. Man showing how to prepare fish for cooking. Shot of fisherman showing how to spool line onto reel and how to lay out line to dry at end of day. LS of man flycasting from shore. FOLLOW HAS of two men heading for fishing spot in canoe. CU of fish being unhooked from barbless hook. CU of barbless hook. Shot of lake and evergreens at sundown. [Interspersed titles; End Title]


Excerpt from
Fishing Gamely for Game Fish
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486