AIR TO AIR SHOTs of Avro Lancaster airplane airborne over Montreal, Quebec, Victoria Bridge visible in distant background in first shot. AIR TO AIR SHOTs of Avro Lancaster airplane airborne over forest area in Northen Quebec; shots interspersed with AERIAL SHOTs over forest and mountainous areas. AIR TO AIR SHOTs of Avro Lancaster airplane airborne by camera plane. AERIAL SHOTs over small settlement in Northern Canada, over Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, over Ottawa and Hull across river, over Supreme Court Building, Parliament Buildings and Château Laurier. AIR TO AIR SHOT of Trans-Canada Airlines passenger plane airborne over Vancouver, British Columbia. AERIAL SHOTs over city of Montreal, over University of Montreal. LS of Lockheed Ventura airplane approaching and landing past camera. CUs of man's hand removing plugs from underside of airplane. MLS of Lockheed Ventura airplane landing. LS of administrative buildings of airport from across airfield. FOLLOW SHOTs of TCA Lockheed Lodestar airplane approaching runway, landing, taking off over camera, taxiing on runway after landing at Stevenson Field in Winnipeg, Manitoba.