Shot of steam freight train pulling out of small station past camera, grain elevator visible in background. LAMLS of locomotive, engineer at window of cab as train pulls out. Three TRAVELLING SHOTs from front of locomotive of tracks in railway yard. HAS of yard, elevator in distance. Shots of freight cars moving by camera as they are shunted about. HAS from top of car as camera car approaches other box car. Side MS of couplers engaging. Shots of yard hand activating switch lever, of man climbing onto moving box car, of man breaking box car from position atop car. Various TRAVELLING LSs, MLSs of speeding steam freight train from car, prairie in background. Shot of train wheels blurring past camera. LASs of steam locomotive and freight train moving away from elevator, past camera. Early morning HASs of Winnipeg freight yard, many box cars visible, smoke drifting by in foreground. Side shot of yard operator working at console. Night shots of men checking box car numbers, taking samples of wheat from inside box cars. Shots of train backing up to elevator. Interior shots of box car being tilted, emptied of wheat. Shots of trucks lined up at elevator, of truck dumping wheat inside elevator. LSs, MLSs, MSs of elevators on prairie. Shots of elevator at Lake Head, ships taking on wheat. MSs, CUs of wheat flowing from spouts, inspectors sampling.