Islam: MLS of man drawing water from crude well, giving drink to passerby. CS of newcomer drinking. HAS of mosque courtyard in Morocco, several people moving about. CS of fountain in centre of yard. Shots of people bowing towards Mecca at muezzin's call. Shots of market stalls, buyers, CU of seller weighing item on beam scale. MLS of man bowing towards Mecca in private garden. CS of man praying, bowing. Telephoto CU of face of muezzin as he calls faithful to prayer. LAS of minaret, muezzin. MS, CU, of beggar receiving alms. Various shots of elderly man drawing water from well as younger man stands by. HASs over Moslem city, TILT DOWN to HAS of muezzin chanting call to prayer. Two HA PANs over road, Moroccan town. Static MLS of town, buildings.