Islam: MLS of minaret, TILT DOWN to courtyard, Moorish buildings. MLS of farmer in field by road, bowing east in direction of camera. Shot of man making ritual ablutions at fountain. Shot of a few Muslims squatting on floor of mosque. Shot of Coran on book stand. MCS of man fingering prayer beads. MSs of Muslim children sitting on floor, singing, keeping tune with their fists on their slates. Rear shot of group, teacher in background. Sequence on man frying crullers, of buyers at market booth counter purchasing various items. Shots of market booths, vendors, crullers for sale. LAS of pillored ceiling, TILT DOWN to man performing ritual ablutions in small fountain, other man entering for similar purpose. TILT DOWN to street scene, two veiled women walking towards camera, turning off, tailor plying his trade, vendor weighing fruits on beam scale.