HAS of fishing harbour, village in background. Slow BOATING SHOTs past fishing wharves, moored fishing boats, some with sails, men at work on wharves and in boats. Cut to MLSs of biological survey station. Interior shot of laboratory, men, women at work with microscopes, carrying out experiments. CU of fish specimens in bottles. Cut to two men driving long poles into sea bottom with power-driven pile driver on raft. MLS of finished sardine weir. MCS of model of sardine weir on table. Sequence on fishermen closing purse seine inside weir, brailing sardine into skiff. Shots of men pulling up purse seine, spilling sardines by the thousands into skiff, men standing knee-deep in mass of fishes as they work. Shot of small schooner "Sardine Runner" moving across frame under engine power. Men unloading sardines from their skiffs into "Sardine Runner", then heading for canning factory as fishermen collect their nets on a huge spool. LS and HAMSs of men unloading "Sardine Runner" at cannery. Interior shots of men and women checking sardines, operating automatic machinery, packing sardines into cans, dumping cans into boiling water for cooking. Various MSs, CUs of processes.