STK-ID 11068

Shot of locomotive coming towards camera as train pulls into station. Eyeline shot of removal of coffin of Cardinal Villeneuve from train, crowd in foreground. Procession of papal zouaves and Knights of Columbus carrying coffin to hearse, crowd straining behind police cordon, lining street as hearse passes by. Interior shot of Cardinal Villeneuve lying in state, knight of Columbus on guard. Exterior HASs of large crowd including numerous school children waiting for last look at Cardinal. MS of coffin being brought out from palace and placed in horse-drawn hearse. Various shots of funeral procession to Basilica, papal zouaves, knights of Columbus, large crowds of spectators. HAS of cortege arriving at Basilica, zouaves carrying coffin into church. (25/01/1947)


Excerpt from
Funeral of Cardinal Villeneuve
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio