STK-ID 11200

HALS of herd of caribou running across open ground towards strip of trees. PAN to MS of group of hunters in motorboat on river. CSs of two hunters lying in wait at foot of hill; MS of herd of caribou appearing at top of hill; ZOOM IN to MCS of caribou; cut to MS with hunters in foreground; one raises rifle and aims; cut to MCS of male caribou hit by bullet trying to get up; hunters go past camera towards caribou; wounded animal gets up and tries to run away. MS of rest of herd watching; PAN to MCS of wounded animal; PAN to herd running away. Several shots from different angles of hunters finishing off animal by shooting it several times. Various shots of hunters cutting up caribou at water's edge.


Excerpt from
Gens d'Abitibi
Nord-du-Quebec (region)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio