STK-ID 11525

Lengthy sequence comprised of many shots of Remembrance Day ceremonies in Newmarket, Ontario on a bright but windy, November eleventh. The sequence includes shots of two bands, one pipes and drums and the other the Newmarket town brass band, marching to the town's memorial cenotaph; shots of representatives of such organisations as the Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Air Cadets and the Royal Canadian Legion making their act of remembrance; shots of clergymen leading those assembled in hymn and prayer; shots of the laying of wreaths at the base of the cenotaph; shots of several Canadian flags and one special Remembrance Day flag bearing a large poppy and the phrase, "Lest We Forget", waving stiffly in the strong wind; shots of the bands and a squadron of air cadets marching off at the conclusion of ceremonies; good LACS of an elderly veteran, wearing his war service decorations, giving a smart salute.(350 ft)


Excerpt from
Goodbye Sousa
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio