STK-ID 11647

Exterior, winter; POINT OF VIEW SHOT from ferry on Saint Lawrence River heading towards l'Ile aux Coudres (0:31). MLS PAN (R>L) of rows of piled stone in field (0:24). DOLLY SHOT along field (0:48). Scenic LSs and PANs of coastline of island (1:19). HALS of river, MLS as ferry comes into view, ZOOM OUT to LS as it approaches dock, PAN to WIDE SHOT of river shrouded by fog, reverse shot (2:26). HAMLS of aft deck of small cargo ship at dock, ZOOM OUT to LS of ferry manoeuvring, ZOOM IN to MLS, PAN to docked cargo ship (1:14).


Excerpt from
La grande allure (1re partie)
Saint Lawrence River, Ile-aux-Coudres
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio