STK-ID 11734

Various shots of motorized fishing boats in harbour, of two people putting down their kayaks from boat into the water, of them paddling their kayaks out of the harbour, into open water with pieces of ice. Shot of kayaks in a distance with town and mountain in background. CSs of men in the kayaks. MLS of the kayaks going through water and ice, passing ships, with town shore in background. Various shots of Inuits in seal costume, holding harpoon, with crowd in background. PAN on crowd. MLSs of man flipping his kayak over the side and flipping it back right side up. CSs of man in kayak wearing sweat suit. PAN on crowd watching. Various shots from different angles of Inuits flensing dead whales, cutting and eating raw meat, including shots of woman using her "ulu" (half-moon-shaped knife). PANs from whaler boat to dead whales on shore.


Excerpt from
The Greenlanders
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio