STK-ID 11885

Various shots of men spraying foliage with high pressure hoses. Cut to MCU of leaves with poison on them. TRAVELLING SHOT along road showing protected trees along the road as opposed to unprotected trees in the forest in the background. Cut to group of Department of Agriculture and Entomology personnel. Shots of men at work in a laboratory at Melrose Highland rearing parasites. MCU of one parasite, the fly-like "Compsilura Concinnata". Cut to dead gypsy moth caterpillar killed by parasitic grubs. Shots of the tachina larvorum, the blepharipa scutelleta, this last one, at work on a cluster of gypsy moth pupae. The calosoma sycophanta attacking caterpillars on a tree trunk. MCUs of wriggling mass of parasitic larvae attacking gypsy moth catterpillars and pupae. Shot of a tree lined road, 1925 trucks and touring cars moving by the camera. Final shots of forest ravaged by the gypsy moth.


Excerpt from
The Gypsy Moth
Maine, Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486