Sequence on biplane turning past camera, CU of pilot at controls in cockpit. HACU of "Swannie" Taylor announcing arrival of US Army flyers in microphone. GROUND TO AIR SHOTs of six planes flying over field. Shots of planes lined on field. CU of Lieutenant V Hines and Lieutenant DL Putt posing. Shots of several Curtis P1-A "Hawk" Fighter Aircrafts on field. CU of insignia on plane. Several shots of planes taking off. Various shots of US flyers permorming aerobatics. Shots of US Army Airforce repair ship, Douglas M-2 on field. CS of pilots Lieutenant Shanahan and Sergeant Bentley. Shots of men in Douglas M-2, taxiing and taking off. GROUND TO AIR SHOTs of "Speed" Holmes doing aerobatics, intercut with shot of crowd watching. Shots of Curtis Condor bomber, of passengers getting off plane, posing. MS of Ford Trimotor and MCS of engine. [Titles interspersed]