FOLLOW SHOT of plane landing. ESTABLISHING PAN of field at Saint-Hubert Airport. CUs of Captain Frank Hawkes, Official Referee of National Reliability Tour competition. HA PAN of planes of the Ford Reliability Tour lined on field, large crowd visible in lower frame. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of plane arriving after competition. MS of crowd watching. PAN of large crowds of spectators on field. GROUND TO AIR SHOTs of planes streaking in at low altitude during 50 mile race. CS of winner R Perry of Ottawa Flying Club. Various GROUND TO AIR SHOTs of planes airborne in 30 mile all model race. CS of FG Sparkes, winner in air races posing by plane. Sequence on JL Ralston posing with Group Captain J Lindsay Gordon, Director of Civil Government Air Operations and his party, Fairchild 71 taxiing away by camera. [Titles interspersed]