STK-ID 12201

Shots of fishing schooner at sea in rough weather. CU and LS of seagulls flying about. Sequence of loaded net being hauled aboard schooner at sea. Shot of fishermen playing cribbage aboard vessel. CU of cribbage-board, cards being laid down. CU of fisherman darning sock, another using telephone. CU of barometer. Shots of two men at desk receiving telephone message from ashore station, girl removing typed message from teletype, message reading "Market urgently requires 700 000 lbs ocean perch, haddock". Sequence on meeting in business office. CU of four men talking, small fishing schooners at sea. Two shots of twilight at sea, no fishing boats visible.


Excerpt from
High Tide in Newfoundland
Gulf of Saint Lawrence
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio