Holy Name Rally (28/09/1948): front shot of train pulling into Union Station, locomotive moving past camera. Sequence on Cardinal James McGuigan stepping down from train, being met by Thomas Nagle, Rally Chairman, by Mayor James D McKenna, by various members of clergy, by police chief. Shots of onlookers watching. Sequence on Cardinal James McGuigan coming to car with Mayor James D McKenna on his right and Reverant PA Bray, Bishop of Saint John, driving away as crowd looks on. Shots of boy, Harvey Kennedy, getting Cardinal's autograph, displaying it. Sequence on parade featuring floats of Christ the King, of Saint Joseph's Hospital, Catholic Community Club, Catholic Sailors Club, Pioneers of Canada, marching police and fire departments, City Cornet Band, Holy Name Society, navy cadets, HMCS Brunswicker pipe band. LAS clerical VIP's on reviewing stand. Sequence on marchers arriving at Saint John Forum, entering. Sequence on ceremony in forum, large crowd, underexposed shots of altar, officiating clergy.