STK-ID 12367

Shot of spectators watching fire in downtown Quebec. Firemen climbing ladder and directing hoses on smoking building. Shot of stairs leading from Saint-Jean Street to Côte d'Abraham, people ascending and descending. MS and CS of bell ringing in church tower. LS of freighter pulling up alongside Quebec pier, TILT DOWN protestant church to shot of lower Quebec market stalls, vendors preparing their wares. BOATING SHOT past freighter. Shot down street showing traffic, buildings and wide square, Canada Hotel at right frame. Shot of Quebec Parliament Buildings, caleche passing in foreground. Shots of Dufferin Terrace, of Chateau Frontenac Hotel with statue of Frontenac silhouetted in foreground. HAS of Quebec and harbour, skyline in background. Shot of tugboats pulling ocean-going vessel. LS of vessel underway, skyline in background.


Excerpt from
L'homme aux oiseaux
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486