STK-ID 1264

LSs of burning gas run-off in a field, man watching, oil pipes, valves in foreground in last shots. CUs of roughnecks setting up derrick. Shots of woman tilling land with tractor, oil derrick looming in background, cows grazing in foreground visible in some shots. MSs and CUs of oil drilling operations under way, roughnecks at work, various part of rig in operation. LASs of Redwater grain elevator, of United Grain Rowers elevator, of Alberta Pacific grain elevator, freight car in lower foreground. Sequence on construction of frame stuctures, men at work on roof. Shots of lumberyard, of contruction of dwelling units, elevator in background. Shots of brand new residential subdivision in Devon, small bungalows, two young men walking on sidewalk. Cut to CU of map of Edmonton region, Leduc and Redwater areas marked in pencil. Fingers pointing to the three locations with pencil. (25/05/1949)


Excerpt from
Alberta Oil
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486