STK-ID 1265

HA AIR TO AIR SHOT of Royal Canadian Air Force Fairchild Cabin seaplane in flight, with oblique AERIAL SHOTs of lakes, woodlands beyond. Oblique AERIAL SHOT of woodlands, large lake. Slow BOATING SHOT towards fishing camp, fishermen moving about, paddling off in canoes. MS of fishermen moving about camp. Shots of men on horseback for trip to fishing spot, while others go for a swim. Shot of small dog sticking its head into viewing component of large stills camera lying on the beach. Two shots of riders riding through woods. Cut to riders showing off in canoes. Several LSs of fishermen casting from canoes, from rocks, hauling fish in, displaying catches. Series of shots dissolving into the next showing streams, small rapids, forest primeval. Shot of fishermen leaving tent camp to go fishing. Sequence on men casting from canoes and from rocks, including closer shots of fish struggling, being drawn in and being netted. sequence at camp showing campfire, fish being cooked. Speeded up sequence on men getting their portion, eating. Shots of two men communing with nature on shore of lake at sunset, of clouds beyond the lake.


Excerpt from
Algonquin Waters
Northeastern Ontario
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio