Indian Treaty Money (405ft): LSs of cavalcade of Kainai (Blood) men and women on the prairie. LS of Indian Affairs building. Closer shots of Kainai (Blood) men and women wearing western clothes arriving by buggy and on horseback. PAN, MS of group of chiefs with war bonnets. Several shots of Kainai (Blood) men and women, mostly dressed in western clothes, receiving treaty money from Indian agent. Interior shots of trading post, of Indigenous people buying things. Shots of being X-rayed. CU of faces over X-ray machine. MS of Indigenous family posing on wagon. HALS of encampment, teepees, frame building, tree belt, prairie in background. MS of Indigenous family outside tent. HAMS of small group of Indigenous men sitting at meeting table. LSs of men tilling land with two caterpillar tractors. Closer shots of same. HAS of map of Blood 148 First Nations Reserve. CU of face of old Indigenous man talking, smoking a cigarette.