STK-ID 13249

CUs of sign forbidding the carrying of matches and lighters in plant, TILT DOWN to hands picking up handfuls of matches from bin. Various shots, CUs, MSs and LSs, HASs and LASs of spools in spinning room, of synthetic fibre winding on spools, of girl tending machine, changing spools. Slow TRAVELLING SHOTs of machines, seen end-on. Interior shots of control sub-station showing switches, recorders, warning lights. Shot of forest of pipes in a refinery, of worker walking into frame, collecting sample. Shot of Chemcell chemical worker bagging pentaerychritol. CU of worker's face. HAS of grab truck moving rolls of newsprint inside warehouse full of rolls. Shots of men and women punching their time cards, walking towards and past camera on their way out of the factory. (00/05/1957)


Excerpt from
Industrial Canada
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486