Shot of computer section of the Climatological Division, Meteorological Branch of the Department of Transport. TILT UP from data sheet to punch card on data processing machine. CS of data sheet, TILT UPs to card moving through machine. CU of woman operator's hand punching keys. Profile MS of woman at work on punching machine, out of focus piece of machinery in foreground. Shot of computer cards being sorted. CU of card stack in machine. Side shot of card-sorting machine in action. CU of data sheet in machine, TILT UP to operator beyond machine. TRAVELLING SHOT past rows of shelves filled with boxes of punched cards of weather data from over a dozen years. Shot of computer cabinets, men at work. Shot of control data machine writing by itself, to man writing on control data machine, TILT UP to bank of tape readers. Shot of man writing, bank of tape readers visible in background. MS of spinning tape reader. LAS of tape reader spinning. TRAVELLING SHOT past row of consoles, women at work.