STK-ID 1362

Shots of farmer disking with tractor-drawn implement. HAS of farmhouse and buildings, rail fence in foreground. Sequence on elderly man hoeing garden. CU of his face, of man wiping his brow, CU of his hand digging in soil. Shot of man sowing with team of horses and automatic sower. Shot of horses from driver's seat. Two shots of sower in operation. HAS of farm buildings, cows in lower foreground. Rear shot of boy driving cattle on road. HASs of farms in Matapedia valley, of cows grazing, village in the distance. Several shots of man piling sheaves of wheat in field, town in distant background. Shot of other farmer harvesting with tractor-drawn binder. CUs of sheaf ejecting mechanism, beaters. TRAVELLING SHOT from hood of tractor of driver, binder operator, beaters. Shots of family, mother and children picking up sheaves, piling them. HAS of barnyard, buildings in background, cows. Shot of woman milking cow in yard. Interior shots of henhouse. Profile CUs of poultry. Sequence on young men loading hay in field, unloading hay on open air stack. Shots of farmer sowing with tractor-drawn sower and roller.


Excerpt from
Aménagement rural & développement agricole
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486