Various shots of dock activity during unloading of supplies for Knob Lake. CUs of cranes, trucks, ships at docks, stevedores adjusting derrick hooks into sling loops, railway cars' wheels being lowered to tracks. MS of dock activity, derricks at work, ships tied to dock, railroad cars moving. Short PAN over ship's deck showing equipment to be unloaded. HAS of dock and ships unloading. Shots of various pieces of equipment being lowered from ship. MSs of scrapers, graders being lowered. LASs of crated engine swinging from slings, of large boiler, diesel locomotives, railway cars, swinging in mid-air. ESTABLISHING SHOT of Sept-Iles dock area. CUs of ship's name "Yaffo-79", Israeli flag flapping in wind. Bow on shot of ship tied up at dock, of ship being unloaded, of ship names "Gulfport" "Sea Fisher". Shots of men signalling derrick operator. LAS of man with megaphone shouting from high perch on ship.