[Title: Island of Enchantment] HA PAN over countryside, farms in lower foreground, city of Victoria in the distance. Shot of the "SS Princess Kathleen" hoving into view. Cut to passengers disembarking. HAS of street, crowd of pedestrians on sidewalk, 1930-1939 automobiles, Empress Hotel, ships moored to wharves in background. Two ESTABLISHING HASs of Legislature. HASs of Government dry-dock in Esquimalt, ships in dry-dock. Sequence on shrubbery, flowers, formal gardens on private grounds, on Butchart Gardens, foliage and flowers and visitors strolling through, admiring plants. MLS of pond in Butchart Gardens. MS of swans in Beacon Hill Park, children feeding birds. Salmon fish wriggling on deck of fishing boat. MSs of brailing operation. Sequence on car moving towards camera along tree-lined road, tourists. Man and wife feeding deer. Two shots of deer in the wood. Sequence on Cowichan men rowing traditional canoe with two tourists, negotiating mild rapids, sliding canoe down a low fall while travelling. Wait on shore, boarding canoe again and going through fairly rough rapids. CU of rear paddler as he paddles. Shot of low surf on beach and HAS of body of water, trees at sundown. [End title; titles interspersed]