MS of old timer Matt Butyer panning for gold in a creek. CU of his pan, of his face. Shots of elderly man shovelling dirt, loading wheels arrow, dumping dirt into sluice box to extract whatever gold there is in the ground. Shots of Keno postmaster Ernest Corp indicating location of Keno on the map, tracing with a pointer air route to New York. AERIAL SHOTs of snow-covered mountains. MLS of Canadian Pacific Airlines DC-3 airliner at small airport. Shots of mountains near Keno, Mount Hinton in background. LAS of rustic log cabin, two men leaving on their way to prospecting. Shots of mountain landscapes, men moving across frame. Shot of silhouette of man looking through binoculars, mountains, clouds in background. Shots of one of the men staking a claim. HAS over shacks of the Yukon Calena Hill Mine, Crystal Valley in lower background, town of Keno in extreme distance. Sequence on two men pushing ore car out of tunnel, dumping cars at end of track. Sequence on men operating wooden ore bucket hoist, dumping ore into cars, dumping cars by hand at end of track. Sequence on cobbing and bagging silver-lead ore. Sequence on men in front of Log Government Assay Office. Shots of 5 million dollars worth of ore awaiting river shipment in Mayo. Shots of main street in Mayo. ESTABLISHING SHOT of Whitehorse. MS of three storey log house. (00/08/1949)