Rough, low level AERIAL SHOTs of factories, of rainy river, of small dam, of countryside. HAS of float parade in Fort Frances, Ontario. Shot of American flag detail marching through United States customs towards camera, DOLLY OUT away from flag detail. Cut to Canadian counterpart waiting on bridge. Shot of Canadian customs from American side, factory in background. HASs of freight train moving through factory yard, of lake freighter in canal lock. PAN of prairie, hills in background, man mowing in foreground, oil derrick and burning gas flare. HALSs of oil storage tanks, of rolling prairie, hills in background, oil derrick in foreground. Shot of main street of village. Shots of man forking hay during harvest, of man disking new land with six horses in tandem. Long sequence of shots in munitions plant showing rows upon row of gleaming shells, women at work. Shots of men working on bren gun carriers in war plant. HAS of war plants, of new army trucks by the hundreds. PAN past row of newly machined gun barrels. CU of machine tool at work. HALS of grain elevator, small bay, smoking freight train in foreground.