STK-ID 14320

Shots of men of the Royal 22e Regiment marching across parade square in Korea, eyes right as they pass camera. LAS of Canadian Red Ensign flag at half mast. Shots of Douglass Dauntless taking off from field near Seoul, american pilot getting into aircraft. AERIAL SHOTS over mountains and canyons where Chinese Reds are trapped. LS of realesed missile and explosion. Shots of incoming patrol meeting outgoing patrol at dusk. CSs of men celebrating in mess hall, wearing paper hats. Members of Royal Canadian Regiment and Royal Canadian Highland Regiment holding Christmas singing (1:07). American Vice President Alben Barkley chatting with Canadian Army officer and adresses men (0:22). CSs of choir of young Koreans singing, CU of boy with head bandaged (0:11). CUs of Korean woman teacher leading kids in song (1:12). Cardinal Spellman speaking to men and CSs and LACSs of men kissing cardinal's ring (0:35). Minister of National Defense Brooke Claxton speaking and inspecting troops. PAN (R>L) from United Nations flag to graveyard. CSs of Korean children.


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486