Sequence on arrival of Lord Louis Francis Mountbatten at Canadian National Exhibition, Lord Mountbatten getting up on dais, being saluted by military band. Shots of dignitaries on stage as introductions are made, of Lord Mountbatten making a speech (sound). Shot of Lord Mountbatten officially opening 65th CNE. Shot of Mountbatten standing at attention and two civilians as army band plays "God save the King" in background. Shots of military units marching past, of crowd, some of whom wear paper hats to ward off sun. LAMCSs of Lord Mountbatten looking heroic. Various shots of military units marching past as seen from top of stands and from ground level, packed bleachers visible in background in some shots. Shots of American detachment parading with flags flying. of pipe band marching past camera, CNE gate in background. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of military training airplanes flying by at low altitude. LASs of rides, of ferris wheels and others, of midway attractions, side shows, large crowd, barkers spouting off.