CS of statue of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. CUs of face of statue of Akhenaten. CSs of details of stele representing Akhenaten, Nefertiti and daughters worshipping sun God Aton. CSs of details of limestone stele representing the royal scribe riding in chariot. CSs of details of stele representing Akhenaten, Nefertiti and daughters, Akhenaten giving daughter an earring. CSs of details of stele on limestone pillar representing Akhenaten and Nefertiti. CSs of details of stele representing Akhenaten and Nefrititi making offerings to sun God Aton. CSs of paintings on stone of birds (jump cuts). CU front view of head of stone statue of Nefertiti. CUs side view of head of stone statue of Nefertiti. CU front view of head of stone statue of Nefertiti (broken nose). CSs of head of stone statue of daughter of Akhenaten. CSs of details of partly carved stele of daughter of Akhenaten eating roast duck.