MLSs of Mackenzie King's summer house in Kingsmere, Quebec, including view of flag at half mast. Shots of Laurier House in Ottawa, Mackenzie King's residence, policeman and Royal Canadian Mounted Police in front of house. LAS of Peace Tower, flag at half mast. Interior HAS of King lying in state. HALS PAN along long line-up of people waiting stretching from Centre Block to Wellington Street. TILT DOWN Peace Tower to waiting crowd. Various shots of people in line, waiting, people entering Centre Block, filing past coffin, servicemen and RCMP's standing guard. MS of Mackenzie King in coffin. Shots of Governor General and Lady Alexander arriving paying last respects to Mackenzie King. Sequence on Prime Minister Louis Saint-Laurent and cabinet ministers arriving and paying last respects. Shots of changing of guards around coffin. Shot of Mackenzie King in coffin, flowers around coffin. HALS of funeral cortege in front of Parliament. CSs of people lining proposed route of cortege. Shots of RCMP pall bearers carrying coffin out Parliament, HALSs of coffin being put in hearse. (07/00/1952)