STK-ID 15451

McGill forestry class (00/11/1940): rear shots of students, of professor at blackboard expounding on subject of Botany, pointing to drawings on blackboard with long pointer as seen from rear of lecture room. Front HAS of students, mostly men. Closer shots of students listening. Two MSs of women listening, taking notes. ESTABLISHING SHOT of McGill University building, students flocking out, heading in general directions. HAS of students walking past. Various interior shots of crowded laboratory, students carrying out unidentified experiments. One student is bare to waist, holding electronic stethoscope to his chest while another man takes reading of heart beat on rotating drum. HAS of tables, many such drums in evidence.


Excerpt from
McGill Forestry Classes / JL Ralston On War Bonds
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio