STK-ID 15463

McGill Cyclotron (Montreal, 00/10/1946): two shots of the MacDonald Physics Building. Two CUs of plaque re Rutherford. LAS of name of building over door. CU of portrait of Lord Rutherford. Shots of students at work in laboratory where Rutherford used to work. Left to right, Dr Terroux, Dr Pounder and Dr JS Foster, director of Cyclotron Laboratory in office, looking at component of cyclotron. Shot of man working at small scale cyclotron magnet. LS of Radiation Building. Several shots of vehicles dumping earth around cyclotron building to act as shield. Shot of water tower, TILT DOWN to entrance of cyclotron building, two men opening doors, entering. Sequence on men at work on electrical components. Group of men walking in tunnel past camera. Shots of group of VIP's posing on steps of building, left to right, Sir John Anderson, chairman of Atomic Energy of Great Britain, F Cyril James, principal and vice chancellor of McGill University, Dr Neils Bohr of Denmark, Dr Ernest O Lawrence of University of California, JS Foster, professor of physics of McGill University. Various closer shots of the men. Shot of Bohr, Lawrence and Foster walking to cyclotron building, entering with others. Shots of visitors inspecting model of Rutherford's experiment, looking at 275 ton magnets of cyclotron.


Excerpt from
McGill Cyclotron / Quebec School Fire
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio