LS over prairie towards reservoir behind irrigation dam in the distance. HAMLS of reservoir and dam. MLS of farms fields, horses, prairie town visible in background. PAN of farmland, barns, city visible in background. MS of small weather station on prairie, man climbing weather tower. MLS of white farm buildings, people examining farm machinery. Two MSs of people looking over farm machinery. HALS of eroded terrain and crevices. MLS of surveyor at base of rock formation. MS and CSs of tractor pulling box scraper. MLS of water pouring through dam, PAN down river, prairie. Shot looking across slow moving river to wide flat plain, TILT UP river to dam. LS of pumping station on river's edge, PAN to acqueduct. MCS looking through trestle supporting acqueduct, car passing in background. LS of flat farmland, of farm buildings on horizon. Various shots of two tractors pulling disc harrows. LS of freshly harrowed field.