STK-ID 15710

Series of shots of team of geologists of the Canadian department of mines and technical surveys, carrying out survey operations in Yukon Territory; MSs of Wardair DC-6 taxiing on snow covered runway, shots of fuel drums being unloaded, shots of plane taking off (0:43). Various shots of drilling rig being set up (1:21). Shot of Bristol freighter plane being loaded up with fuel drums, brief shot of plane taking off from icy runway (0:21). Various shots of men operating drilling rig (1:40). MS of small Bombardier snowcar fording river, it gets stuck in mud on opposite bank (0:50). Various shots of geologists inside tents identifying and core samples (1:23). More shots of drilling rig in operation (0:57).


Excerpt from
Mines and Tech. Surveys
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original kodachrome
Aspect ratio