STK-ID 16060

Two HALSs of downtown Montreal from west of Mount Royal, city reservoir and pump house in lower foreground. Cut to Dominion Square, facade of Sun Life Building, bare trees, automobiles moving by, pedestrians, a few buses. Cut to Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Dorchester Street (René-levesque Boulebard). Shot of police directing traffic on Saint James Street. Shot of Place Jacques Cartier, snow on pavement, two men moving across square with horse-drawn scraper. Three shots of Bonsecours Market on Jacques Cartier Square, of market stalls, men moving about, buying, looking, vendors selling from backs of trucks. Various street scenes showing streetcar turning around corner past camera, heading for Place d'Armes, of truck loaded with sacks and other traffic going down street, of news vendor selling newspaper at sidewalk stand as pedestrians move by. HAMLS of steam locomotive backing string of cars in railway yard, Sun Life Building visible in the distance. Cut to MLS of elevators, other buildings in harbour area. LAMLSs of French flag and of Union Jack flag flying atop masts on buildings. Cut to heroic shot of Union Jack flag almost filling screen, flying in stiff breeze. MSs of store windows using Union Jack and patriotic slogans to see Woollens "England Delivers The Goods" and regimental ties "There'll Always be an England". Cut to large poster showing soldier exhorting people to buy war savings certificates. Interior shots of bank, long line-up of people signing up for war loans. CUs of men and woman signing. (00/10/1940)


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
16mm dupe neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486