STK-ID 16166

Governor General Alexander honours Indigenous war dead (09/06/1949): arrival of Governor General Alexander and wife Lady Margaret at the Six-Nation Reserve in Ohsweeken, Ontario. Shots of spectators and of officials on platform. LAS of Governor General Alexander saluting. Cut to Honorary Colonel Colin Gibson, Secretary of State and Brigadier OM Martin, Victoria Cross, the only Indigenous Brigadier in the history of Canadian Army. Shots of Brigadier Martin making speech (silent). Sequence on unveiling of Cenotaph by Governor General Alexander. Cut to Indigenous men wearing headdresses and two buglers sounding last post. MS of inscription on Cenotaph showing names of twenty-two Indigenous soldiers who lost their lives in World War 2. Shot of brave in war bonnet standing by. Sequence on wreath laying. Shot of two Indigenous mothers weeping. Shot of small girl who is Indigenous, Fayes Styres, presenting bouquet to Lady Margaret Alexander. Shots of reception line, Governor General Alexander and party shaking hands. Shot of party entering council chambers, TILT UP to inscription over door re Six Nations Council 1863. HASs of march past of Indigenous men in traditional clothing, of army cadets, of Highland pipe band. Cut to CUs of Chiefs Little Bear and Red Jacket. Shots of Chiefs' wives. Shots of Indigenous women, Lillian and Nina Burnham. Cut to CU of Nina Burnham.


Excerpt from
More Power for B.C./ Governor General Honours Indian War Dead
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486