STK-ID 16222

Various shots of blow-off as drillers strike an underground natural gas body near Fort Saint John, British Columbia. Shot of men running away from it, watching from distance, man turning valve controlling flow, man trying to ignite gas. TILT UP to rising water and gas being shot skyward. CS of sign on gravel road "Alaska Highway mile 44-Pacific Pete #4", car coming down road in cloud of dust. PAN to gas well tower in field. Various shots of tractor pulling a nine furrow disc plow across prairie land at Dawson Creek, of wheat waving in field, town of Dawson Creek in valley below in background, of wheat and several grain elevators outside Dawson Creek in background. Side shot of two Northern Freighway transport trucks moving out of Dawson Creek. CS of Dawson Creek sign, man placing sign "Vancouver 800 miles Via John Hart Highway". Swish PAN over workmen lined up at nissen-type mess hall at Kemano camp. Shot of men walking up roadway in Kemano camp. AERIAL SHOT over Kemano Valley and mountains. AERIAL SHOT from descending helicopter towards Kemano camp. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of helicopter rising. Rear shot of bulldozer pulling load of lumber up snow-covered mountain. LS of helicopter airborne over mountain in Kemano Valley region. Several shots of helicopter carrying supplies, of helicopter airborne over mountains, of helicopter landing on snow-covered mountain.


Excerpt from
The Mountain Movers
Dawson Creek, Kemano
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio