STK-ID 16404

Shot of Governor General's limousine approaching, Governor General Alexander in Field Marshal's uniform stepping out past camera. CS of reporter René Lévesque speaking into portable microphone. MLS of camera crew readying their cameras. LAMCS of unidentified man speaking with US Ambassador Laurence Steinhardt, Parliament Buildings in background. LSs of Governor General Alexander, Prime Minister Louis Saint-Laurent and official party arriving on dais, standing at attention during "God Save The King" anthem (sound). MLSs of Saint-Laurent delivering speech in English and French regarding union of Newfoundland with Canada (sound). MLS and MSs of the Honorable FG Bradley speaking for the new province. HAMLS of people in attendance applauding. MCS of WL Mackenzie King. Profile shot of FG Bradley back in his seat after his speech. Shots of Governor General Alexander delivering speech (sound). Shots of group standing at attention on dais for "God Save The King" anthem, including MCSs of Governor General Alexander with Louis Saint-Laurent and of Mackenzie King during anthem (sound). (03/04/1949)


Excerpt from
Newfoudland Joins Canada
National Film Board
Restriction Information
M, u, s, i, c, ;
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486