STK-ID 16874

[Title, Part 2] Shots of Kenneally Lodge (a log shack in the woods) near Hudson, Ontario. HAS of Minaki Lodge. Shots of fishermen boarding Canadian Airways Fairchild seaplane, plane taking off, airborne. AERIAL SHOTs of Nibigami. Shots of plane landing on Cliff Lake, fishermen paddling to fishing grounds. Various MSs of muskies fighting line, of fish being displayed by fisherman. Shots of array of lures. MS of man casting, hooking musky, landing it. Several more views of muskies fighting, being landed by hand. Final sequence on fishermen at dusk, plane taking off from lake. LAS Canadian National Railways train rushing by camera. Final compilation shot of map of Canada with train superimposed on lower part of it. [Titles interspersed; End Title]


Excerpt from
Nibigami Muskies
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486