LS PAN of northern village, towering smokestacks belching smoke, mine shafts, seaplane taking off in relative foreground. Shot of smokestacks, seaplanes moored to shore in foreground. LAMS of top of smokestacks, smoke billowing out. Several shots of same, smoke filling sky. PAN of northern town, houses, church, and smokestacks. HALSs of men coming off shift at mine. CS of men coming through gate of mine. Shots of men flocking towards camera. Interior shots of lift reaching surface, of miners with head lamps aglow coming out, walking towards and past camera. Closer shots of same. LAS of cable ore conveyor moving across frame at mine. MLS of poor looking log shack on roadside, clothesline flapping in the wind, man approaching shack. Rear HAS of freight train moving past and away from camera through scrub forest. Closer side shot of freight train, spruce and alder trees in background.