STK-ID 18187

New Prime minister takes over (Ottawa, 17/11/1948): CUs of Louis Saint-Laurent telling camera, in English first and then in French, about his visit to Government House regarding his becoming Prime minister of Canada and promising under oath that he will do his utmost to serve Canada to the best of his ability (sound). LALS of Parliament Buildings seen from track level at Central Station, Cenotaph on one side, bridge on the other, train driving in from Quebec. Similar shot with train moving towards Quebec. Shots of Prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King stepping down from train, being met. Cut to Makenzie King sitting in limousine, being driven away, returning from Commonwealth Prime Ministers conference in London. Shot of Louis Saint-Laurent and Major General Letson, who represented the Governor general, talking as they stroll beside the train. Shots of Rideau Hall gate, name plaque and facade of building, light snow falling. Shot of limousine bearing Mackenzie King arriving, Prime minister Mackenzie King coming off, saying a few words to newsmen and entering Rideau Hall. He comes out again after being told by Governor general Alexander to pospone his resignation until a new cabinet has been selected. Shot of Louis Saint-Laurent arriving in his limousine, TILT UP to Gouvernor general's standard on Rideau Hall. Shot of Louis Saint-Laurent entering Government House. CU of Royal Canadian Mounted Police saluting. Shot of Louis Saint-Laurent reappearing with Governor general Alexander; apparently, Louis Saint-Laurent could not remember the names of his cabinet ministers so he had to return to his office. Cut to Louis Saint-Laurent returning, this time, presumably, with a list of cabinet ministers. Cut to Prime minister Mackenzie King arriving in his limousine, entering Governement House. Interior shots of Governor general Alexander, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Louis Saint-Laurent after swearing in of the new Prime minister and his cabinet. Shot of cabinet ministers filing into the ballroom following the three principals. PAN of cabinet posing with Mackenzie King, Governor general Alexander and Louis Saint-Laurent. Front Row: James G Gardiner, CD Howe, Louis Saint-Laurent, Governor general Alexander, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Mackinnon and Colin Gibson. Back row: R Winters, R Mayhew, Paul Martin, J Jean, Lionel Chevrier, Alphonse Fournier, Brooke Claxton, Douglas C Abbott, JJ McCann, H Mitchell, E Bertrand, Milton Gregg, and Stuart Garson. Shots of Makenzie King, Governor general Alexander and Louis Saint-Laurent posing, of Mackenzie King and Louis Saint-Laurent shaking hands as flash bulbs go off. PAN from one man to another. Cut to Mackenzie King and Louis Saint-Laurent, of R Winters and Stuart Garson.


Excerpt from
New Prime Minister Takes Over
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio