Sequence on academic procession wending its way to hall before leaving Lady Beaverbrook's residence in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Three shots of procession entering building, FOLLOW SHOT of Lady Lloyd George. Various interior shots of hall. MS of the Honourable Richard Law speaking during presentation of new library. MS of platform, front row, Dr Frank Ernest Gannet, Dr Albert W Trueman, President of the University of New Brunswick, Lady Lloyd George, Lieutenant-governor David Laurence MacLaren of New Brunswick, rear row, Dr Bailey and Dr Drummie. Shots of audience, some in caps and gowns. HASs of dais, captain RV Bennet speaking. Various shots of Lady Lloyd Goerge speaking, presenting portrait of her late husband to the university. Two shots of Dr Trueman thanking her. Shots of Lord Beaverbrook speaking. Exterior shot of new "Bonar Law-Bennet Library". Interior shot of library showing Beaverbrook's collection including David Copperfield, Vanity Fair, Travels Through Canada. Shots of letters from Lady Hamilton to Lord Nelson, from Charles Dickens to Daniel MacLise. MS of Lord Beaverbrook rubbing bird's eye maple woodwork. Shots of collections including Bennet's papers, portrait of the man. Exterior shot of visitors on campus waiting in line. Interior shot of visitors looking at books, collections. (18/05/1951)