STK-ID 18439

MLS across bay of town of Scalloway, PAN of waterfront to MS of two fishing boats docked at wharf, PAN back to shot of town. MCS of flock of sea gulls on surface of water, TILT UP as fishing boat comes into view, FOLLOW SHOT as it moves into harbour (jump cut). Several shots from different angles of boat docking at wharf. MS of sea gulls on surface of water with sunlight sparkling on surface. CS of interview with fisherman on wharf as he is mending nets, ZOOM IN to CU of his hands. Several exterior shots of fish auction on Scalloway fish wharf on a cold, snowy day, including CUs of fish in crates stacked on wharf.


Excerpt from
Offshore Oil: Are We Ready?
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio