Lengthy BOATING SHOT along Saint Lawrence River in vicinity of Montmagny, open water, land in extreme distance, islands covered with evergreen trees, snow along shoreline. BOATING SHOT of river, wooded far shore in background, snow along shoreline. BOATING SHOT past ice floes, shore in background. CSs of ice and snow floating down river. Shot of snow, dim spruce trees in background, snowy or rainy weather. PAN from spruce forest, over ice-covered riverbank to frigid water. Two CS PANs of large chunks of ice stranded on beach. Vertical HACU of myriad reflections of sun on water. PAN of rock formation along shore. Shot of calm water in fog, land dimly visible in distance. Full frame CU of calm water. MLS of screech owl sitting at very top of tree. Cut to carcass of bird on ground, feathers. Cut to eggs in bird nest. LS of Maritime Line freighter crossing frame in distance. LS of smaller freighter against high cliff-like shoreline. Shot of huge sun, centred in frame. Two shots of red skies, red reflection on water puddles.