STK-ID 1849

Shots of men bringing racing shell out of hangar, lowering it to water, readying it for regatta. Shots of Lieutenant-Governor Honourable Fabian O'Dea with Gerald Angel, President of regatta committee and of O'Dea's wife. HASs of people gambling at wheel of fortune. HA PAN over crowd, Quidi Vidi Lake, shell on lake. Sequence on race, intercut with HAS of spectators on shore. CUs of straining men at oars, of cox. CSs of stern, prow, oarlocks, oars, arms and hands of rowers. Sequence on presentation of trophies, Gerald Angel at microphone, James P Higgins presenting trophies, winners holding trophies.


Excerpt from
Annual Newfoundland Regatta (News)
St. John's (Nfld)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio