STK-ID 18721

Shot of Radio-Canada Building on Dorchester Avenue (Rene-Levesque Boulevard) in Montreal. CU of sign "Radio-Canada". Shots of design on floor, of map of Canada on wall. Shots of master control, of panels, of operator at work. Shots of recording room with tape recorders, of disc cutting facilities, of announcer speaking into microphone. Shots of radio program under way, several performers speaking into microphone. Four shots of international service announcers, English, French, Spanish and Russian. Sequence on ribbon cutting at official opening ceremony, from vantage points and close by. D Dunton, A Frigon, the Honorouble McCann, Mayor Houde and Archbishop Leger visible during ceremony and after. Shots of television camera, of men operating monitors. (06/09/1952)


Excerpt from
Opening of the CBC Building
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486