Two shots of Centre Block of Parliament Buildings. Two shots of arrival of Prime Minister Louis Saint-Laurent and Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of India. HAS of spotlighted interior of House of Commons, cabinet ministers, not much light. HAS of William Lyon Mackenzie King. HAMLSs of Louis Saint-Laurent making welcoming speech with parts repeated, shot by another camera (sound). Shots of Nehru's speech from two different angles (sound); Nehru thanking the government for his reception in Ottawa, profering the best wishes of his country. Nehru refers to India's forthcoming change of status to Republic but adds that India will remain a member of the British Commonwealth. Nehru speaks of cooperation between Canada and India, of India's roll as peacekeeper and freedom champion of Asia and Africa, of India's purely innocent purposes in her dealing with other Asian countries. Nehru refers to the shaky relationships between countries, and to the disaster that might result from use of the new weapons. Nehru comes back to the theme of cooperation between Canada and India. Finally, he repeats his thanks for the honour done to him by Canada. Nehru begins a short speech in French but is cut short. Various HASs of applause by ministers and backbenchers. (00/10/1949)